A new film is being prepared, compelling, exciting and certainly with highly emotional scenes. What doesn’t change is the hand, or rather the hands, of the director. The direction of the game of the Tinet season 2024 – 2025 remains entrusted to the expertise and creativity of Alessio Alberini who will thus wear the yellow and blue colors for the third year.
For the director born in 1998, a convincing season, even if undermined by some trauma. But the intention is to start again with even more enthusiasm, discovering a renewed group, but which promises to be absolutely competitive.

“I believe that from this year we will take home what has been our journey together – he underlines as he kicks off the new season – Difficult and happy moments, new solutions in our baggage, not only technical, and all the warmth we have received from this territory. On a personal level the line is almost the same. It was certainly a year that allowed me to grow on various fronts, so I consider myself quite satisfied.”

Now a change in the technical staff is expected, a generally non-trivial operation

“We had the opportunity to see and greet Coach Mario Di Pietro towards the end of the championship, when he came to watch some home games at the PalaCrisafulli. We spoke by phone a few days ago and I think we are all ready to set off together towards this new competitive adventure.”

What are your feelings about the team that is being formed for next season?

“I expect a team that has the ambition of playing in the playoffs again at the end of the championship, that trains hard and is courageous. I like the new names, I hope to meet them soon!”

What will be the surprise of next season and what are the certainties?

“The surprise for me personally will be returning to play at PalaPrata. The certainty will be the large and warm audience!”

You return to play together with Kristian Gamba. What are the main characteristics of the new yellow-blue diagonal?

“I meet a teammate and friend again. The technical trademark of our understanding could be a fairly quick ball, because Kristian is very quick and explosive.”

You are now an honorary Prato native…

“I thank Prata from the fans to the management, staff and collaborators for the wonderful year they allowed us to experience and I hope that the next one can be even better!”