Alessandro Bovolenta, the talented opposite, whose birthday is today 27 May, will wear the Gas Sales Bluenergy Volley Piacenza shirt for the next three seasons and with his arrival the opposites department is completed. Yuri Romanò and Alessandro Bovolenta, the two positions of the Italian national team, will play in Piacenza next season.

Born in 2004, 207 centimeters tall, Alessandro Bovolenta is a son of art: mother Federica Lisi is a former setter, father is the unforgettable Vigor who played in Piacenza for five seasons. Alessandro Bovolenta approached volleyball at the age of eleven, after leaving a promising career in football. After playing in the Ravenna youth sector, he made his debut in the SuperLega with the Consor Ravenna shirt in the 2021-2022 season and in the last two seasons he was a protagonist, again with Ravenna, in the A2 championship.

In three seasons, one in the SuperLega and two in A2, he made 64 appearances of which 4 in the SuperLega and 60 in A2, won 32 matches and scored 1203 points: 1042 in attack, 78 aces and 83 blocks.

“I am happy to be able to play in Piacenza – underlines Alessandro Bovolenta – because it is an important club. I arrive in a team that has high goals, I’m happy to be able to be part of it and have the opportunity to try to carve out space for myself within this team. I find an excellent coach like Anastasi, I will have a lot to learn from him and from my new teammates. It is a company and above all a city that I know through my family background in Piacenza, I can’t wait to start this adventure, my first away from Ravenna. An adventure that I hope will be long and I will try to carve out some space for myself to demonstrate who Alessandro is, I am truly very happy and I can’t see it all starting. Piacenza gave me a nice gift for my birthday, I gave myself a nice gift by coming to Piacenza.”

The career of Alessandro Bovolenta is in fact entirely Ravenna-based. In the 2020-2021 season he was signed by Ravenna and included both in the youth teams and in the team that plays in the Serie B championship. Category where he also plays in the 2021-2022 season, also obtaining four first-team call-ups in the SuperLega championship. In the 2022-2023 season he is on the roster of the first team that participates in the A2 championship and he remains in Ravenna also in the 2023-2024 season.

Between 2021 and 2022 he was called up to the Italian Under 19 national team, with which he won gold at the European Youth Summer Olympic Festival and in 2022 with the Under 20 team he won the gold medal at the European category championship where he was awarded as MVP of the event.

Alessandro Bovolenta

Nato a Roma

Il 27 maggio 2004

Ruolo opposto

Nazionalità sportiva italiana

Altezza 207 cm


2020-2021 Ravenna Giov.

2021-2022 Consar RCM Ravenna B e SuperLega

2022-2024 Consar Ravenna A2


2022 Festival olimpico estivo della gioventù europea

2022 Campionato Europeo Under 20

2023 Memorial Hubert Wagner

2023 argento Campionato Mondiale Under 21

2023 argento Campionato Europeo