A lost final brings bitterness and a hint of melancholy. Defeats help you grow and improve, but in sport you have to look ahead in search of new goals. The day after for Personal Time coach Daniele Moretti: “I mentally retraced the whole match – says the coach – the only thing we lacked was the cynicism and experience that are needed in these matches. In the third set we led twice by four points, if we had had more experience at this level we would have played another match. Congratulations to Fano who deservedly won and moved up to Serie A2.”

There were two intense matches that gave the Marches the new category: “We could have done something more on a technical level, the boys were destabilized by David Umek’s injury before game one. The same happened with Favaro before the second match. We went onto the pitch less confident in our abilities than in the semi-finals and quarter-finals.”

Personal Time had an unexpected season, from the goal of salvation to the final many things changed: “Already in the first outings we understood what these guys could express. We had small setbacks, which were brilliantly overcome by a fantastic group who gave their all. Even yesterday, despite the small problems, he never gave up, for example in the second set they were down 12-7. There was a great contribution from starters and substitutes, a fantastic year thanks to the boys. Ending like this always leaves a bit of a bitter taste in the mouth, it was a splendid season even if we lost the final. This was not an unforgettable year but certainly one to remember.”

Friday the last act of the 2023/2024 vintage with a farewell dinner: “I’m leaving resting after nine intense months where I pushed myself every day. I will enjoy my daughter for a bit then I will start studying to understand the evolution of volleyball. Thanks to all the San Donà fans, I’m sorry that this was the epilogue, see you next year.”