Following in his footsteps and coming from Macerata where he has played for the last three years, Pietro “Pik” Margutti arrives at Vigilar Virtus Fano with “a great hunger for victories – says Margutti – and a great desire to play in the playoffs or the beauty of the season”.

The Ravenna native, who in the last four years has been an adversary of the Virtussini (first in San Donà and then in Macerata), was in the mood for a jolt and the square in Fano is ideal for him: “After three years in Macerata, in which I had a great time, it was time for me to change to find new stimuli and the right jolt to do well. Moreover, Stefano (Ferri), of whom I am a friend, spoke very well of this club (Fano).

Margutti was the best receiver in the A3 series this season calculating the percentage of positive/perfect hits, also sometimes covering the role of opposite: “I confirm – replies Pik – especially when the opposite starter from Macerata was out for physical annoyances. However, my specialty is reception, perhaps – he says with a smile – DNA does not lie (his father Stefano, a great protagonist of the 90s, was a specialist in reception)”.

A great basketball fan, as well as watches and sports shoes, Pietro Margutti tells us why he is nicknamed “Pik”, as he is also identified on his Instagram profile: “When I was little – says Pietro – there was a book entitled “Pik Badaluk ” which told the story of a child who, thanks to his height, was able to pick apples on the tree. Well, being the tallest among friends, they soon gave me this nickname”.