Taranto 25 Foundation will still be enthusiastically alongside Gioiella Prisma Volley as official sponsor.

The Foundation is a network of entrepreneurs, professionals and Ionian citizens established as an association in January 2020 with the aim of creating new important opportunities for the area.

Fondazione Taranto25 has recently formalized the new board of directors, in which the President Fabio Tagarelli, the vice president Ennio Barnaba and the secretary Fiorella Occhinegro, president emeritus Angelo Vozza and treasurer Renato Galeone are present.

The president Fabio Tagarelli himself explains the basics and the collaboration relationship born with Prisma Volleyball.

How long have you been collaborating with Prisma?

It has been four years now: we have been partners, friends of Prisma volley, since our friends Elisabetta Zelatore and Tonio Bongiovanni resumed their adventure in the world of volleyball.

What does your association do? How is it structured?

Taranto 25 is an association made up of about eighty members, 50 of whom are ordinary resources who each year constitute a real economic resource for the city. Everyone has been paying a share for four years now for an important project, which was immediately that of wanting to invest in the happiness of the area and above all in what are the realities of cultural associations in our city, sports and scholastic realities, linked to the cultural associations of Taranto. One of the themes that we explored was precisely that of sport: alongside Prisma we support more than 30 clubs in various sports disciplines in the city and it is a method that works because for us, investment in the common thing is a huge vehicle for being able to grow our territory. Active citizenship must also take care of this and do its part: the institutions do their part, but alongside the institutions there must also be a city that unites in this intention: imagine giving a hand to baseball rather than fencing or to skating which are often left out for being minor sports, this is a way to make the whole movement stronger. We have no ambitions of a personal nature, but a very long-term project and this means that today Taranto 25 is one of the most active realities of our city and province: we recently signed a memorandum of understanding with the University of Bari , we are about to define a protocol with the Navy, we have already activated a protocol with the Municipality of Taranto and we also support eleven high schools: in short, a Taranto association for the development of Taranto at the center of its idea.