Volleyball Bari completes the 4th place department with the arrival of the twenty-three year old athlete Mario Sportelli, one of the many talents produced by the thriving cantera of Materdominivolley.it Castellana Grotte.
With New Mater last season (in Serie A2), the spiker from Polignano a Mare thus marries the red and white sports project after prestigious successes obtained at a youth level (Italian flag in the U14 Boy League in 2014, U15 championship in 2015 and first place in the Regions Trophy in 2016) and four seasons between A2 and B played in Castellana Grotte and San Mauro Torinese.
In Bari he will meet again Peppe Longo, his teammate in the last yellow-blue adventure.
«I didn’t think twice about accepting Volleyball Bari’s proposal, aware of arriving in a serious society and used to doing things right – declares the new red and white hammer -. Here I will have the opportunity to grow even more. I am sure. The team set up is up to a long, difficult and competitive championship like that of the A3 series. In our group we will face many strong opponents. It will be essential to work hard during the week to try to snatch important results in the match – he concludes -. I will bring with me the important baggage of experience acquired over the years and I will give my all on the pitch to help the team reach as high as possible this season».