It is a moment of reflection at Emma Villas Volley after the relegation from Superlega to Serie A2 and in a situation in which the future of the white and blue club must be planned. The President Giammarco Bisogno takes stock of the state of the club, also recalling all the objectives and projects of the parent company, Emma Villas srl, market leader in the villa vacation rental sector, currently engaged on several fronts, with the opening of stores, the launch of new initiatives towards foreign markets.

“The sports project – declares the President of the club – was born with the ambition of developing a virtuous and winning path. We started from Serie C and reached the Superlega, winning championships and cups up to Serie A2. The last few years have been very tiring, starting with the year of the first relegation from Superlega to A2, then the year of Covid and the following year of salvation in A2 on the last day of the championship and finally the new relegation from Superlega to A2. There is no doubt that all this has somewhat undermined the expectations underlying Emma Villas’ idea. It all started by structuring a sports and at the same time communication project; a combination of sport and corporate image that I believe has been progressed in an exceptional way for a long time: Emma Villas Volley is today a recognized brand in the world of volleyball. Today however, as a company, we are called to give substance and continuity to the many projects we have in the pipeline and the investment evaluations must necessarily follow logics that are more targeted and consistent with the corporate vision. A company like ours, in a competitive market like vacation rental is condemned to grow if it wants to keep up with the big players and the necessary investments in human resources and technological innovation are really important”.

“I want to be clear – continues President Bisogno, – I’m not available to do things halfway, it’s not in my nature: Siena Volleyball is a project that will require a budget in order to be competitive, with the utmost quality, and be winning again. Today as a company we must necessarily evaluate alternative advertising investments to volleyball. For this reason we are considering two scenarios. The first: if we had to make a Serie A2 championship we would still have to significantly reduce the sponsorship investment, therefore we would necessarily serve new forces.