Ready for another exciting year of volleyball. Delta Volley Porto Viro celebrated the start of the new sports season yesterday evening: a successful (and crowded) party organized at the Delta Sporting Club in viale VII Mari, which saw the participation of all the 2023/2024 black and fuchsia teams and many fans and supporters.

At the opening, the institutional greetings: the President Luigi Veronese did the honors of the house, proudly underlining that this year Delta Volley will have its own formation registered in the regional championship of Serie D. The Deputy Mayor of Porto Viro Thomas Giacon, the Municipal Councilor for Sport Michele Capanna, the President of the Fipav Committee of Rovigo Natascia Vianello. Also present at the event was the Provincial Delegate of Coni Rovigo Lucio Taschin.

Before the highlight of the evening, or the presentation of the men’s Serie A2, there was a lot of talk about youth activity, which is increasingly central to Delta Volleyball programs. As explained by the Head of the Youth Sector Massimo Zambonin, the nerofucsia club has in fact obtained the Quality Certification from the Italian Volleyball Federation for the two-year period 2022-24 in recent months (the only men’s club in the province of Rovigo to have received this recognition) and continues to work in the area to create fruitful synergies with other local volleyball realities, such as Adria Volley, represented for the occasion by the President Federico Simoni.

Still on the subject of initiatives aimed at the youngest, Zambonin recalled that the collaboration with the Porto Viro Comprehensive School will continue again this year through the educational-training project “A Scuola di Volleyball” and the promotional one “Delta 4 School”.

Space for the youth formations, therefore, who paraded on the stage of the Delta Sporting Club. The boys and girls of the S3/U12 Mixed group sponsored by Il Patio and led by Sebastiano Ballo were the first to receive applause and encouragement. Subsequently it was the turn of the athletes of the U14 Female Il Patio set up – another of this year’s novelties – in collaboration with the Virtus Taglio di Po and coached by the Sebastiano Ballo-Mauro Rocchi tandem.

Speaking of partnerships, there are three teams “in cohabitation” between Delta and the aforementioned Adria Volley: the Men’s U19 Il Patio and the Men’s U17 Brasserie by Andrea Boscolo, this year the Men’s U15 Sider Ferrari is added, entrusted to Sebastiano Ballo. As anticipated by the President Veronese, the U19 group has been integrated with some Under 21 athletes to participate in the Serie D championship.