Paolo Falabella will lead Volleyball Bari in the Serie A3 Credem Banca championship for 2023/2024.
The closing of the agreement with the Lucan coach thus marks the beginning of the campaign to strengthen the red and white association which, after achieving the prestigious playoff goal in its first participation in the third national category, aims to confirm itself among the protagonists of the tournament also in the next season.
Ambition that mirrors that of his new coach, currently engaged with the Morocco national team in the role of assistant coach to Paolo Montagnani.
Graduated in Sports Science, specialized in Sport Science and Technique and national Fipav teacher, Falabella is ready to immerse himself in the Bari reality, thanks to his important baggage of experience gained in A2 in Lagonegro (as head coach, from 2016 to 2020) and in Siena (as assistant coach in Paolo Montagnani’s technical staff, 2021/2022 sports season) and in A3 with Wow Green House Aversa (as head coach, 2022/2023 sports season).
“A phone call with the president Antonio Laforgia was enough to fully embrace the red and white project for next season – begins the new helmsman of Volleyball Bari -. The first sensations are very positive. Right from the start I was pleasantly impressed by the ambition and the enthusiasm that gravitate around this beautiful volleyball reality. I can’t wait to start this new adventure. In line with the company’s requests, I will work hard with my staff to set up an increasingly professional work model in the gym, which will allows us to face the regular season in the best possible way and, as we all hope, to reach the decisive playoff phase in optimal conditions”.
Between confirmations and new arrivals, the judgment on the market is very positive: “I’m really happy with the operations carried out by the club – continues the coach originally from Lagonegro -. An excellent team has been built on the good foundations laid last year. I cannot anticipate anything on the names. I can only assure you that the new roster will be made up of athletes with a strong predisposition for work. In terms of characteristics, I’m sure, it will entertain the public with a fast and organized game”.
The declared goal for next season, therefore, is to reach the playoffs: “We’ll play it with everyone, aware of facing a long and difficult championship which, year after year, becomes more and more competitive – concludes Falabella -. group will be decisive. With sacrifice, commitment and abnegation we will try to interpret this category in the best possible way, animated by the objective of arriving in May with important team automatisms”.