The new reinforcement of Volleyball Bari arrives from the SuperLega for the next Serie A3 Credem Banca championship.
In the role of libero, the Bari management secured the sporting performance of Matteo Pirazzoli, born in 2000, in the ranks of Vero Volley Monza last season.
Trained in the youth teams of Ravenna, after three seasons played in Serie B with the shirts of Conselice and Portomaggiore, the athlete from Lugo returned to Consar (2020/2021 sports season) with the call of Marco Bonitta, the coach who most of all had an impact on its growth path.
Having completed his apprenticeship alongside Jani Kovacic, Riccardo Goi and Filippo Federici, Matteo is ready to get involved at the helm of the red and white defensive line.
«I didn’t think twice about accepting Bari’s proposal – says the Libero from Romagna -. It’s the right opportunity to reap the benefits of the great work done in the last three seasons in SuperLega, where I’ve had the good fortune to train with great coaches, above all Marco Bonitta, and with athletes of the caliber of Georg Grozer and Rafael Redwitz. I learned a lot from champions like them, especially what it means to be a true professional – he explains -. I really want to play and carve out a leading role in this new adventure, which I hope will be the definitive springboard for my career».