Last test match of the Allianz Milano pre-season and a decidedly positive result from the Monza Arena. The training session ended 4-0 in favor of coach Roberto Piazza’s team. However, the result should not be deceiving, because for three of the four partial matches the teams were in balance for a long time. Top scorer of the match Matey Kaziyski with 20 points, who already appeared in championship form. The Japanese derby between Yuki and Ran probably ends in a draw, because Takahashi scores double figures (10 points), but Ishikawa’s 8 points weigh more because they all came in the first two sets of the match.

Allianz Milano starts with Zonta diagonally with Dirlic, Kaziyski and Ishikawa, Piano and Loser in the center, Catania libero. The Mint Vero Volley Monza responds with Cachopa Kreling as dribbler and Szwarc (at times irrepressible) as opposite, Di Martino and Beretta in the centre, Takahashi and Loepky as laterals, Gaggini as libero.
From the third set Piazza also brings Mergarejo onto the field on Ishikawa, Vitelli on Loser and Reggers on Dirlic, while in the fourth there is also room for Innocenzi in the centre.
Eccheli will change formation many times during the test, also trying with the three spikers Maar, Loepky and Takahashi. However, there were few remnants of play for Lawani and Galassi who also recently returned to the team group.

Mint Monza started well in the first set, leading up to 8-3 before being caught up by the Milanese comeback. On the point to point, a nice duel between Szwarc and Kaziyski, won by the latter who closed with a winning attack 25-22 for the team of president Lucio Fusaro present in the parterre with the top management of the company and in the company of the president of the Consorzio Vero Volley Alessandra Marzari and her husband Aldo Fumagalli.
More Milan than Monza in the second set, with Allianz always ahead, Ishikawa closes 25-21. The many changes do not change the values ​​on the pitch, indeed Milan with Vitelli and Reggers in the sextet reaches 20-12, before the Monza blaze, which at 24-17 cancels two match points, closes Vitelli 25-19. Balance and more experiments in the fourth set, experienced point by point, but in the Milan field there is one more Kaziyski.