Gas Sales Bluenergy Volley Piacenza and Zeus are pleased to announce the new technical sponsorship agreement thanks to which the Italian sports brand will wear the red and white team.

Zeus will be the official technical supplier of all the game, training and representation uniforms of the first team and youth sector of Gas Sales Bluenergy Volley Piacenza for the next three sports seasons.

Gas Sales Bluenergy Volley Piacenza and Zeus are happy to have reached this sponsorship agreement, strongly desired by the parties, and which will certainly be positive and with important prospects given the upcoming commitments of the red and white team, among which the Italian SuperLega championship certainly stands out but also the Cev Champions League Volleyball which is faced for the first time by the Company of President Elisabetta Curti.

“We are particularly satisfied – underlined Hristo Zlatanov General Manager of Gas Sales Bluenergy Volley Piacenza – with this agreement reached with Zeus, an Italian company at the forefront of the world of sport and above all in continuous evolution. For three seasons all our teams will be dressed by Zeus, we will soon present the new game uniform which I can anticipate will be very captivating”.

For Gas Sales Bluenergy Volley Piacenza, Zeus represents the brand capable of guaranteeing the exclusivity of the designs, a customized collection according to one’s needs, and high quality standards such as to allow Zeus to export its products to more than fifty countries around the world. For Zeus, however, the sponsorship agreement with Gas Sales Bluenergy Volley Piacenza represents the confirmation of being one of the strongest and most performing brands worldwide, as well as the certainty of being able to link its brand to that of a company undoubtedly among the most strong men’s scene not only at the Italian level.

“Zeus Sport, in the figure of the owner and founder Salvatore Cirillo, declares itself enormously proud and satisfied to have closed the technical sponsorship contract with Gas Sales Bluenergy Volley Piacenza, a leading volleyball company on the Italian scene. The brand is always looking for new collaborations and can’t wait to start this partnership journey to create products of the highest quality to give the right importance to the club”.