Another joint training session was completed for the ErmGroup San Giustino, which in the late afternoon of Wednesday 27 September faced Sabini Castelferretti, a team that plays in the Serie B championship, at the sports hall in via Anconetana. Without Marzolla, Ricci and again captain Marra, the biancazzurri won three sets with scores of 25-20, 25-20 and 25-22, then a fourth was played with the second rows on the field, which ended at 25-16 for the Marche players. Cioffi in the role of libero and Skuodis in place 2 were the substitutes for the two absentees in an indicative test, in which the guests were able to keep up with coach Bartolini’s team, avoiding errors to a minimum under the expert management of the setter Giuliani. The ErmGroup, which at some points also had to chase its opponents, then responded with the precision of the attackers and above all with the effectiveness of its blocking. “It’s not easy to work when there are no players within the group – commented coach Marco Bartolini – because for us it becomes necessary to create the right intensity even in training. And having three out becomes a handicap, despite the general climate being excellent and the boys working hard. There are just over two weeks left until the start of the championship and recovering these players becomes fundamental.” Can Marzolla be used in the next joint training session against Smartsystem Fano? “We’ll see, the important thing is not to risk it for no reason. Marzolla is an important piece on this board and when he returns to the field he will have to be okay; if it isn’t possible to do it at home, we will try it in the last pre-season test, the one on 5 October in Fano”. We remind you that the joint training at home with Smartsystem Fano is scheduled for 6pm on Saturday 30 September.