Undoubtedly a long day, that of Friday 25 August, but also a very important one for the ErmGroup Pallavolo San Giustino, first lived with the double training session and then together with the people of the town. For the official presentation of the team, the club has chosen two undoubtedly special events; the first, of clear popular origin, was the traditional Dinner under the Bell Tower which is organized by the parish of the archpriest’s church and which once again managed to seat almost 500 guests. The location is significant: the outdoor field where 45 years ago (it was the summer of 1978) volleyball in San Giustino began its journey with the setting up of a first team that would compete in the federal championships. Key figures of this appointment – ​​created in the past to cement the community spirit around the religious place par excellence – were the young parish priest, Don Filippo Milli, a huge fan of the volleyball team and two other great fans: Alberto Clementi (moreover a former president) and Giovanni Gobbi, together with the large group of admirable volunteers who braved even the great heat in order to better organize the dinner; on the blue-and-white side, excellent work by the coordinator Giulia Rigucci and Danijela Relic, who set up the stage for the musical entertainment and for the showcase dedicated to the ErmGroup, with the usual brilliant management by the journalist Gabrio Possenti. In the middle of the evening, all the athletes, the two coaches and the technical staff received applause and support for a reality that is making the name of San Giustino known again throughout Italy, playing in the Serie A3 Credem Banca championship and which intends to do it in the best way. The managing director Claudio Bigi and the sports director Valdemaro Gustinelli underlined the emphasis on this aspect, in recalling the commitment made to set up a competitive team capable of entertaining the country and the sportsmen. And from captain Davide Marra a special invitation: “Tonight you are here – he told those present – and from October onwards we want to see you at the sports hall to cheer for us”. In short, a more direct contact between players and citizens that can become the added value of this season. Epilogue of the day – we are at the second event – in a disco in San Giustino, the “Green”, where ErmGroup was the official guest of a Friday dedicated to the music of the 90s.