An evening of celebration and reunion for the entire Diavoli family, as hasn’t happened for years in the beautiful green setting of the Brugherio party area, which for the occasion became a large and festive pink and black spot.

In the role of host of the event was our Ingrid Bonfanti who, excited, was the narrator of the evening.

The first greeting is from the host, President Alessandro Degli Agosti: “This evening we kick off our 30th season in Brugherio and we will talk to you about increasingly ambitious projects, reliving the emotions of a beautiful, serious, solid and eager reality to do as well as ours. Incredible successes and results which are not a coincidence but are the result of the passion and professionalism of all the people who work there and the planning ability of the management. Every year more and more, better and better. The start was not easy but we will continue to work with enthusiasm and put in the usual commitment and passion, just as our investment in the territory remains unchanged. I’m sure it will be another extraordinary season.”

Joining President Degli Agosti on stage, on behalf of the municipal administration, is Mayor Roberto Assi, his first time in the Rosanero crowd: “Thank you very much for the invitation. Before going on stage I asked myself what I could say especially to you young people and the answer was simple. You are here not just to play a sport, you are here to grow up and learn what sacrifice and discipline mean. In fact, successes are simply the fruit of your work and commitment. I wish you all a beautiful season and that you find something in your life that is worth spending your time on.”

And here we are ready for the first chapter!

The spotlight is now all for them, for our Serie A super stars!

The protagonists of the new season in Serie A, the fifth of the Pink Devils, parade on stage and one at a time they tell their stories and present themselves to the general public.