The journalist Carlo Gobbi, a true friend of volleyball who for years entertained, informed and entertained millions of sports readers, passed away during the night at the age of 82. The Serie A Volleyball League expresses its condolences for the passing of the journalist and friend, and remembers with emotion and gratitude his great professionalism and his indisputable human values.

For almost half a century Carlo Gobbi has passionately talked about the world of sport, in particular that of volleyball, on the pages of “La Gazzetta dello Sport”. A mild, kind, humble person who never went out of line, representative of a journalism of times past, who has always put the human aspect in the foreground during his long career.

If volleyball has become a top-class sport it certainly owes it to the commitment and dedication of professionals like Carlo.

President Massimo Righi, the Board of Directors, the Serie A Clubs and all the staff of the Serie A Volleyball League send a big hug to his son Raimondo and his entire family.