The rossoblu are expected at Vero Volley’s home. Alletti: “Let’s start from the good game played against Cisterna: we have to be colder and more determined in the decisive moments of the sets”

“Well begun is half done” says an ancient proverb and Gioiella Prisma Taranto has every intention of starting 2023 with a new attitude.
The first match of the year, which coincides with the third day of the return leg, will see the Ionian team away to Monza on Sunday 8 January in a televised postponement at 20.30, live on Heavy points are up for grabs to be able to keep the distance on the direct competitors: Padua and Siena are currently below in the standings compared to Gioiella, separated by one and four points respectively.
Last November’s challenge at PalaMazzola against Vero Volley had seen the Ionian protagonists with a good 3-0 victory. At that moment, Monza had just lost director Cachopa and orchestrated Visic on that occasion. La Gioiella, then led by Stefani and Loeppky (16 points each), had fielded a great team performance, topped off with defenses and attacks with no holds barred, with an excellent Larizza who stood out against blocking and attacking by annihilating the mouths of fire from Brianza: in fact, the masterful shots of Grozer (even from 9 meters, with 3 aces) and Davyskiba were not enough to intimidate the rossoblù, who conquered the first three precious points of the championship.
After the acquisition of the German setter Zimmermann, however, Monza found a square and obtained important victories and, although recently defeated by Siena, is in ninth place with five points more than Gioiella Prisma Taranto. In the last Lombard derby he obtained an important success, despite the absence (due to a shoulder annoyance) of Grozer, replaced by the Polish Szwarcz (who put down 18 points) and with the good performance of the Canadian spiker Maar, who it closed at 22.
But Vero Volley also has three excellent centre-backs in its roster: the blue world gold medalist Galassi, the tough Beretta and an old rossoblù acquaintance, the former Gabriele Di Martino, with the libero Federici who is always the protagonist with excellent defenses and recoveries , as well as the other notable band Davyskiba author of a good race also in PalaMazzola. Not to mention the opposite Grozer, capable of changing the fate of a game, especially on friendly field.
Aimone Alletti’s statements demonstrate the desire and determination to start well in the first challenge of 2023: