The last pieces of the white-blue roster come from the confirmations of Mattia Braghini, Tommaso Sarzi Sartori and Lorenzo Pellegri – three of the young talents forged in the Castiglione delle Stiviere youth league with which Atlantide has an active collaboration – who last year joined the Tucanis and enriched their journey with a first taste of Serie A.

Coach Zambonardi’s comment is clear: “These guys have technical skills on which the hands of a great professional like Professor Enzo Valdo have already done a lot. They are talented and eager to improve by working, so we are happy to still have them in the white and blue shirt to enrich their career with another year in Serie A. Lorenzo is a director who can benefit from the guidance of our Tiberti; Mattia puts his passion and heart into it and he improved a lot last year: we believe he will have a future as a freelancer and we know he also has the right grit, which is why we want to introduce him to this role together with Andrea Franzoni, a great example of tenacity.

Tommaso was invaluable as middle blocker last year, but given his technical skills, we believe that training him as a band will complete his growth path. We had already started when he joined the group, then, due to injuries, he made himself available to play in the center and he also expressed himself in that position, being an intelligent boy and a hard worker. We believe that this will be an important year for him, which will definitively transform him into a lateral striker, equipped among other things with an excellent bagher “. His league debut allowed him to play 44 sets last year, scoring his first 16 points in Serie A and playing in Esposito’s place without any fear of the court.

Among the youngsters of the local youth team, Andrea Bettinzoli remains with the ‘double role’ in Serie C and A2 (this will be his fourth year of affiliation with the first team), while Francesco Rizzetti will go to Villanuova in Serie C and Alessandro Scarpellini to Montichiari in series B.

The Atlantis 2023/2024 squad is now complete, with Tiberti, Ghirardi and Pellegri on the dribble, Klapwijk opposite which Ferri can alternate, officially invested with the role of band, together with Abrahan, Cominetti, Sarzi Sartori and Bettinzoli. In the center there are Candeli, Erati, Mijatovic and Malual, while the second line is in the hands of Franzoni and Braghini.

The latest news concerns the athletic trainer who takes the place of the precious Paolo Scatoli, alongside the Tucani in the last four seasons.