Volley Parma announces that, starting from the next 2023/2024 football season, Andrea Codeluppi will no longer be the technical guide of the team in the Serie A3 Credem Banca national championship. The company extends its heartfelt thanks to Codeluppi for the exceptional results achieved in the field, the commitment, dedication and professionalism lavished in recent months and wishes him the best of luck in the continuation of his career. After just one year, the paths between the Gialloblù partnership and the Parmesan coach who together wrote an important page in the already glorious history of ducal volleyball, enriched, almost twenty years after Parma’s last participation in a Lega championship , from a sixth place in the Regular Season and from the Quarter Finals of the Play Off Promotion to the absolute debut in the category. A painful choice that cannot erase the emotions felt along a path full of satisfactions. “We thank Andrea for the extraordinary work last season with the results achieved that went beyond all expectations – explains sports director Alessandro Grossi – the work in the gym certainly made itself felt in the constant growth of the group which had many elements at their side. first experience in category. We would have liked to continue this adventure together but the corporate visions were not aligned with those of the coach and therefore we part ways without rancor but with the awareness of having created something great as evidenced by the large audience we have always had at PalaRaschi. In addition to his merits as a coach, Andrea confirmed that he is also a great person and this makes the moment of farewell even more painful”. And even Codeluppi closes a significant chapter of his career on the bench with his head held high. “I am extremely sorry but there was no longer the margin for organizing the weekly activity adequate to my needs. I had an incredible, special and unique experience. For me, coaching my hometown team in Serie A was a dream and I want to thank the club that gave me this opportunity.”