The partnership between Tonno Callipo Volley and Openjobmetis continues for the 2022/23 competitive season!

The prestigious Employment Agency has decided to link its image again to that of the Calabrian team chaired by the entrepreneur Pippo Callipo. An agreement that allows for the continuation of a solid collaboration relationship undertaken several years ago.

The Openjobmetis brand will stand out on the jersey of the team that will compete in the Serie A2 Championship as well as on that of the teams that will face the Youth Championships, as well as find space in the advertising areas set up inside the PalaMaiata, the facility that will host all the home matches of the Vibonese team.

The comment of the CEO of Openjobmetis SpA Rosario Rasizza: “This season promises to be full of transformations and news for Tonno Callipo Volley and we are proud to be at your side again as a sponsor. I am fully aligned with the vision of the new coach Cezar Douglas: it is essential to plan, plan every step well and have the collaboration of the whole team to achieve important goals, on the field, as well as at work. Putting together talent, passion and skills makes success an achievable goal. To the Team and my personal good luck to the management “.

Enthusiasm for the renewal of the historic collaboration also in the words of the Giallorossi Vice President Filippo Maria Callipo: “We are really happy for the renewed agreement with Openjobmetis, with which a fruitful and productive working and non-working relationship has been established for years. We are preparing to live together a new year that we hope will be full of successes and important goals achieved ”.