The one that will face Tinet Prata and Cave Del Sole Lagonegro will be the last match of the first round of Serie A2 Credem Banca and it will certainly not be a trivial occasion. In fact, the match, classification in hand, has several reasons of interest. Given the very short standings, Dante Boninfante’s boys in the event of a full victory would obtain a double benefit: to detach themselves by nine points from the red zone which, at the moment, sees the people of Potenza occupying the uncomfortable seat of the penultimate class and, in the meantime, aiming to grab one of the first eight places in the rankings that would guarantee the Gialloblù to play the quarter-finals of the Italian Cup in a straight match. However, to have the final classification defined, it will not be enough to wait for the weekend, but we will have to wait for December 21st, the date on which the recovery will be played between Castellana Grotte and Porto Viro. Both teams are at eighteen like Prata and therefore it is clear that the standings are rather fluid.
But before thinking about the possible Coppa Italia we have to face Lagonegro and for sure, as in all the other races of the championship, it will certainly not be a walk in the park. The team entrusted to the care of the former blue youth coach Mario Barbiero, in fact, has an expert and good quality roster. On the dribble Marco Izzo from Carrara, who plays diagonally with the Brazilian Wagner Pereira Da Silva, a player used to fighting for the first places in his six Italian seasons, both in Santa Croce and in Bergamo and Cuneo. Almost 500 balls grounded per season make it clear that the left-handed place 2 is a formidable player. The Belgian international Lecat and Marco Rocco Panciocco, already seen at the PalaPrata in 2018-19 with the Tuscania shirt, will keep him company. In the center the former Genoese blue Manuel Biasotto (but with his grandfather originally from Pasiano di Pordenone, a town bordering on Prata) and the more experienced libero Paolo Bonola.