Omar Pelillo and Simone Cruciani will be part of the coaching staff of Emma Villas Aubay Siena next season. Pelillo will be second coach and athletic trainer, Cruciani will have the role of scoutman and will also be assistant with a technical role.

For Pelillo it will be the seventh season in the Sienese jersey, Cruciani returns to Siena after four years and after the three years already lived in this club.

Says Omar Pelillo: “I thank the President Giammarco Bisogno, the Vice President Fabio Mechini and obviously also coach Paolo Montagnani for the trust they place in me. For me, Emma Villas Aubay Siena is like a family, I feel like this shirt is tattooed on me ”.

Pelillo again: “I am given the opportunity to return to being the second coach, a role that I have already covered with coach Graziosi and with coach Spanakis, and I am happy about it. With coach Paolo Montagnani there is a great relationship, it is a pleasure to work with him and there is really an excellent harmony. Just as I must say that the work goes very well with all the Siena staff, also as regards the medical and physiotherapy staff. I like the team set up for the next championship, I think it can give us good satisfactions and that it can show good volleyball. We will face the best teams in the world. Our team will be made up of many new players, it will take some time to assemble the team. In any case, the young people are already working and following the pre-established program ”. “This club – concludes Pelillo – deserves to stay in the Superlega. We had already arrived there, but on that occasion the field decreed a relegation to A2. As a structure and organization, I believe that Emma Villas Aubay Siena should be in the top category, this year will be important for confirmation and for staying in the top flight. ”

“I am very happy to pick up where I left off four years ago – are the words of Simone Cruciani. – For me it is a great honor to return to Emma Villas Aubay Siena. I must say that I have been waiting for this moment and I hoped it would come. I’m really happy. In fact, I always hoped that the one with the biancoblu team was just a goodbye and so in the end it was, I have always carried this team in my heart. “