For his ninth consecutive season in Serie A2 Credem Banca, Giuseppe Ottaviani arrives at the Libertas Cantù Pool. Always an opponent of Canturini, he has experience in the second national category with the shirts of Maury’s Italiana Assicurazioni Tuscania, Sieco Service Ortona, Monini Spoleto and BCC Castellana Grotte. In the last championship he played in the Emma Villas Aubay Siena, direct opponent of the Canturini in the fight for the last place valid for the Play-Offs. The spiker from Viterbo also boasts an experience in the top flight with the M. Roma Volley jersey at the beginning of his volleyball career, after having made the climb from the youth sector of the Capitoline company.

“This is a great coup by the president, concluded in a few days – comments Coach Francesco Denora -, and when the opportunity arose, he didn’t let it slip away. Ottaviani is a complete player, very technical, skilled in second-row fundamentals and pungent in attack. He also has the right experience to lead the young players on the roster. One of his best weapons is definitely his serve, and I think that together with that of Alberini and Gamba we will create some headaches for the opposing reception lines. But the thing that convinced us the most and made us happy is to feel his desire for revenge after the last season: an agonist like him can give us a lot of satisfaction. “.