Relaxed faces and focus among the Top Volley players who returned to the gym today with their heads already at the next match. Back on the court for the Sunday night of the third day of Superlega Credem Banca. The Top Volley Cisterna at 20.30 plays against Padova Volleyball. Both teams arrive with an active of 2 wins. Full booty for the Lazio players who overcame Milan and then Taranto with a 3-0 round. Two 3-2 wins against Modena and in Civitanova for the guests. Two points of difference in the standings, which for the pontini are worth the first place with full points in the company of the battleship Perugia. Two games in which the new free Damiano Catania was able to express his defensive skills by making the fans of the Palasport di Cisterna fall in love.

Damiano Catania (Top Volley Cisterna): “We had a great match, here at home, the first one, there was certainly the home factor on ours. Happy to see the Cisterna public for me, who responded present and together we took away the satisfaction of bringing home these three points. We are pleased to be at the top of the standings, the championship has just begun and we hope to continue to do well and score points, because the season has just begun and our goal is to reach salvation as soon as possible. With Volleyball Padua it will be an interesting challenge because we both come from two victories. Padova did some great performances, the last at Lube, certainly there will be fun, on our side there will always be the home factor. An important match, another battle for salvation, we will try to do our best, the field will speak for us. We are getting into gear everything we have put into the preparation, we have been working day after day for almost three months and clearly in the long run the feeling gets better and even there time will bear fruit. With Fabio Soli you work a lot, I am in harmony, I really like his volleyball and I think that, as I like it, the whole team likes it ”.