In the aftermath of the debut match in the Serie A2 Championship which recorded a painful victory at the tie break of Tonno Callipo Calabria over Cave del Sole Lagonegro, the Austrian opposite Paul Buchegger, the protagonist of a capital performance in Basilicata (top scorer with 25 points, two of which on the wall, and an incisive 56% offensive positivity in the 41 attacks overall).
In rethinking the match with a cold mind, those felt by the Giallorossi hammer are mixed emotions: “I am very happy that we opened the season with a positive result but, at the same time, I feel a little regret for not being able to express our best game. “.
On the obvious difficulties in approaching the match he explains: “It is true that Lagonegro played very well and above all better than he did during the friendly matches in September. But it is also true that we, for our part, struggled to find the rhythm of the match. In the first part we were slow and a little shy “.
According to Buchegger, the key to turning the match in his favor was the right reaction from the group: “After losing the first set we were not discouraged but we brought out the determination and the desire to fight. This allowed us to fill the technical gaps by leveraging the emotional charge and the desire to do well that animates all of us “.
On the aspects to be improved he is quite clear: “We must pay more attention to details to avoid making trivial mistakes or committing invasions as happened yesterday. A fundamental thing to work on is definitely the joke ”.

After the rest granted by the coaching staff for Monday, tomorrow 11 October, the Giallorossi will return to the gym to prepare for the first home match of the season. The doors of the Palasport of Località Maiata will reopen on Sunday 16 October at 18:00 to host the match against Grottazzolina, fresh from the defeat remedied at home at the end of a hard-fought match in which he succumbed in five sets to a resolute Castellana Grotte.

An important and intense week of work is expected in which Buchegger and his companions will also be engaged in a mini tour of the city’s educational institutions to invite students to populate the stands for the home overture.