The suitcase hasn’t even been unpacked: after Ravenna, the Delta Group Porto Viro is already on its way for another trip, and this time there are really a lot of kilometers to cover. On Wednesday 21 December the nerofucsia will in fact be engaged on the home ground of BCC Castellana Grotte for the recovery of the ninth day of Serie A2 Credem Banca. It will be played at 19.30 (live streaming on the Volleyball World TV pay platform), at the same time as the match between leaders Vibo and Reggio Emilia, the other missing piece to complete the puzzle of the first round.

Matteo Battocchio troops left for Puglia full of enthusiasm and ambition after the two 3-0 series wins over Lagonegro and Ravenna. The certainty is that they have entered the “magnificent eight” who will participate in the Coppa Italia, the node still to be chosen concerns the box that Porto Viro will occupy on the scoreboard of the Italian tournament, and it is not a trivial detail.