On today took place the Credem Banca Superleague Big Final press conference, final between Cucine Lube Civitanova and Sir Safety Conad Perugia, which will face each other at PalaBarton in Perugia next wednesday at 17.30 in Game 1.
Credem Banca President, Lucio Igino Zanon di Valgiurata, said: “it has been the toughest season, at all, but full of feelings. The investments has been alot despite the absence of the audience, but we believe in volleyball and we will go streight in next seasons, with the same enthusiasm, investing at our best in this great sport”.
President of Fipav Giuseppe Manfredi said: “we wanna thank the clubs, for resisting and keeping high the flame of volleyball, together with Fipav, always beside the teams. We are working hard to build something better and better, improving the volleyball movement”.
Lega Pallavolo Serie A Massimo Righi said: “it was an hard season, with big and daily troubles. I want to thank all the clubs for all they did in this season, I’m pretty sure we will come back with all our fans in the arenas, working hard trying to give back stability and balance to all our clubs”.
The press conference remembered the memories of Michele Pasinato and Piero Monducci, and everything was ready for the words of the protagonists.
Sir Safety Conad Perugia with Aleksandar Atansijevic, Dragan Travica and Vital Heynen, and Cucine Lube Civitanova with Gianlorenzo Blengini, Osmany Juantorena and Simone Anzani, all together focused on the series and ready to put on the best volleyball show in the world, the Italian Final.