“Some silly mistakes in the clutch time” was the description of coach Graziosi to explain that Ortona eventually won 3-1 despite the fact Potenza played well in what was a very tight encounter. Ortona was led by Michalovic, who scored 27, while Potenza was without Casoli who should be back on time for the start of the league season. “We did what we had worked on in the past few days – said coach Graziosi – Unfortunately, we cannot play 6 on 6 in training because of the injuries, we need games and on Saturday Ortona will return the favour by coming over”.

ORTONA: Simoni 10, Guidone 2, Matricardi dnp, De Paola 11, Michalovic 27, Cortina (L), Toscani (L) dnp, Di Fulvio dnp, Di Meo 11, Lanci 2, Moretti 9, Maiorana, Orsini dnp. Coach. Lanci

POTENZA PICENA: Polo 12, Bonami (L), Alikaj, Partenio 3, Miscio 2, Gemmi 16, Calistri, Moretti 17, Tartaglione 12, Diamantini 8. Coach. Graziosi
Score: 23-25 (27’), 25-22 (27’), 28-26 (32’), 25-21 (26’)