Latina added another important player to its squad in the name of Tine Urnaut. The Slovenian spiker receiver, who played last season in Turkey with Smirne, is a versatile athlete who has also covered the outside hitter position thanks to his quality in attack. Urnaut has helped his national team to reach the Euroleague semi-final, to be played on Saturday against Greece. He has already played in Italy, he was in the Piacenza side that won the Super Cup in 2009-10, while he also played at San Giustino and Vibo Valentia.

“I’m back in Italy after a year out in Turkey – said Urnaut – I am glad I quickly found an agreement with Latina to play again in the strongest league in the world. I’ll meet up again with Jeroen, with whom I played three years ago in San Giustino. We had had an excellent season. I got along fine with him on court and he also became a good friend”.