Gherardi Tratos Città di Castello – Pallavolo Padova 1-3
(21-25; 25-22; 19-25; 16-25)

Città di Castello: Romiti (L), Stoyanov 10, Orduna 1, Bortolozzo 5, Rosalba 9, Braga 8, Di Manno 20, Marino 1, Marini, Ceccarelli, Foni. DNP: Paci, Bartolini (L). Coach: Andrea Radici.

Pallavolo Padova: Garghella (L), Tiberti 2, Polidori 10, Cricca 9, Koshikawa 15, De Marchi 13, Barcala 19, Kubiak 3, Maniero, Gottardo, Busi, Zingaro. Coach: Paolo Montagnani.

Four days after its 3-0 win over Città di Castello in the 8th of final game 1, Padova came back on court and sealed the series. It therefore qualifies to the quarter-finals in which it will meet Castellana Grotte.

“We obtained a great victory against an opponent that was totally different from the one met on Thursday – said coach Montagnani – I think we have a good team, and now we are showing it. Are we afraid to meet Castellana? I’ll only say one thing. We are through to the next round and we want to go in the Serie A1”.