Agnelli Metalli Bergamo: Weekend of rest for Serie A2 championship and for Agnelli Metalli. So the injured players can have more time to recover from their injuries: Olli is getting much better, and Lafit can’t wait to be back on the court. Both players should be ready for the match of the 12th of November against Santa Croce. And today also Yoko will train again after a long stop. The worse situation if for Matteo Daolio. It is not sure yet when the player will be able to recover complitely from his injury.
For this reason the Club had decided to test for a couple of days spiker Milos Stojkovic, now with Lube Macerata di A1. Born in 1987, 200cm tall.

And this morning has begun the initiative of Agnelli Metalli for the students. Matteo Daolio and Matteo Burgshtaler went to the “Muzio” school for a sport lesson dedicated to Volleyball. It is just the first of a long meetings that also in the next week will take place.

Sara Vavassori
Press Office Agnelli Metalli Bergamo
cell. 3490847457